Elevate your brand’s visibility and boost sales with our custom free-standing displays! These eye-catching units make a bold statement in stores by breaking the monotony of traditional retail shelving. Retailers are more inclined to stock your products when presented with attractive floor-standing display stands, ensuring a significant boost in your sales.

Here’s why our displays are a valuable addition to your retail floor:

  • Exceptional value: Showcase your product and its compelling message directly on the retail floor, capturing customers’ attention and driving sales.
  • Versatile design: Our floor stands come in various shapes and sizes, offering multi-functionality to suit your specific needs and display requirements.
  • Versatile product display: Our shelf units provide ample space to showcase a wide range of products, enabling you to maximize your merchandise assortment.
  • Convenience and flexibility: Our displays can be easily flat-packed, pre-assembled, or pre-filled, making setup and replenishment hassle-free.

We understand the importance of adhering to the guidelines and requirements set by high street retailers. By partnering with us, you can optimize your FSDU strategy and foster strong relationships with retailers and partners.

Floor Shelf Display

Round Floor Display

Compartment Display

Special Floor Display

Pallet Floor Display

2 Side Floor Display

4 Side Floor Display

Hook Floor Display

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A301, No. 12 Xinggong Second Road, Hongxing Community, Yutang Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen





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We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix “@lddisplay.com”